The Comfort Crisis Notes

Created: 2024-01-15 | Last edited: 2024-01-15

I just finished reading The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter. It was a fairly good book, good story ontop of learning a few things. Below is not meant to be a summary of the book by any means. It was anything I found important or useful to rereference later.

Also as a note for future book notes. This is something I am just starting. I always highlight in non-fiction books so I can rereference important points later. But I decided taking notes this way as well would be easier to look through and allow me to post them here in case anyone else is able to derive value from them.

My Notes

Part One

33 Days (Ch.1)

35, 55 or 75 (Ch.2)

0.004 percent (Ch.3)

800 faces (Ch.4)

50/50 (Ch.6)

50. 70. or 90. (Ch.7)

150 people (Ch.8)

101 miles (Ch.9)

Part Two

11 hours, 6 minutes (Ch.11)

20 minutes, 5 hours, 3 days (Ch.12)

12 places (Ch.13)

Part Three

-4000 calories (Ch.14)

12 to 16 hours (Ch.15)

Part Four

12/31, 11:59:33 P.M (Ch.17)

Part Five

100+ pounds (Ch.19)

≤50 pounds (Ch.20)

80 percent (Ch.21)

81.2 years (Epilogue)